SEASON 23 | 2016

SEASON 22 | 2015

Diane Sellers, Shonte Buford and Shaun Fury

Check out every season of TST!
Sweet Tea by E. Patrick Johnson
A Co-Production with Project&
2015 Literary Reading Series
Murder At Cape Three Points by Kwei Quartey
Lawful Deception by Pamela Samuels Young

"Twilight Jones" by Kay Poiro (Festival Winner)

Kenny Cooper, Megan Weaver, Jaimyon Parker

Jael Saran, Jackie Marriott, Ken Cosby, Jimmy Walker, Jr., Shonte Buford

"Twilight Jones" by Kay Poiro (Festival Winner)
SEASON 21 | 2014
dir. by Kim Harrington
3rd Degree Burn Sketch Worth Comedy Show
Sketches written and dir. by Ken Cosby
Playwrights: Libba Beauchman, Barbara White Morgan
Authors: Bryan Barnes, Carine Fabius, Lonikaye Harkless,
Pamuela Samuels Young

Barika Croom, Mark V. Jones

Lamar Usher, Joseph Loera, Brittany

Aries Simone, Joseph Loera

Barika Croom, Mark V. Jones
SEASON 20 | 2013
Jackleg by Harriet Dickey
dir. Nancy Cheryll Davis and Nancy Renee
Beyond Therapy by Christopher Durang
dir. Joseph Andrew
dir. Ken Cosby
Playwrights: George Corbin and Barbara White Morgan