Ralphs Community Rewards
Individual Sponsorships
TST Theatre Rentals
TST is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent the law allows. Our tax id # is 95-4567319.
Towne Street Theatre is dedicated to producing innovative theater, ranging from hard-hitting to simply hilarious plays. Your gift helps produce original and classical works about the Black Experience. Your Contribution encourages multi-cultural artists throughout Los Angeles and the nation, giving voice to the powerful experience of African-Americans.

Use GoodSearch exactly as you would any other search engine, like Google or Bing. Because it's powered by Yahoo!, you get proven search results.
How does it work?
GoodSearch donates 50% of its search revenue generated by TST users. Each Web search earns approximately $01. We receive a yearly payout.
Any cost to me?
That’s it?
Yup. Tell everybody. Go to GoodSearch and start searching now. Once a day is great. Twice is even better. Learn more about GoodSearch.
Do you shop at Ralphs?
Love theatre? Have a Ralphs Rewards Card? Then you’re ready to join Ralphs Community Rewards! Each time you swipe your card, TST earns rebate percentages. Rebates are paid quarterly to help cover program printing, costumes & sets, storage rental, maintaining our kids programs & other operating costs.
Don’t have a Ralphs Rewards Card?
Visit any Ralphs today and get one FREE!
To sign up for the rewards program:
Click on the "Community Rewards" link from the list to the left.
If you haven't set a preferred store, you will be asked to choose one.
Under "Find an Organization," enter the code 92358.
Click the "Enroll" button in the Towne Street Theatre box.
Now you are supporting TST with your Ralph's purchases!
Enjoy valuable savings on all your grocery needs, while supporting L.A.’s longest running African-American theatre company providing quality programming in Los Angeles for 27 years.
Support Towne Street Theatre artists, productions and events with an individual sponsorship.For more information, call 213-712-6944 or
COSTUMES: Our costume department covers clothes from every era. Hats, shoes, purses, jewelry, accessories also available.
FLATS: All types and sizes.
PROPS: Varied selection of items
Reasonable Rates! Call (213) 712-6944 or email